Rangeland Living Laboratory

Supporting Working Lands Stewardship Through Partnerships
in Agroecology Facilitation, Education, and Translation

Rangeland Living Laboratory

Supporting Working Lands Stewardship Through Partnerships
in Agroecology Facilitation, Education, and Translation


Rangelands are the most under-valued, under-protected ecosystems on earth, yet they are the primary places where humans grow food and are threatened by residential and other extractive development. Many landowners lack accessible support to respond to environmental, economic, and societal pressures. On the other side of the fence, much of society, especially children, are disconnected from the source of their food, deepening a lack of understanding for the importance of ecological-based agricultural practices. These combined issues create a negative feedback cycle, which calls for a solution-focused network of landowners and managers, research professionals, organizational and public leaders, and students who are committed to restoring and protecting rangeland agroecological systems and reconnecting people with nature and the source of their food.

The Conundrum

  • Rangelands are the most under-valued, underprotected ecosystems on Earth, yet they are the primary places where humans grow their food.

  • Rangelands are threatened by residential and other extractive development.
  • The current agricultural model is harming our role in the web of nature: agriculture is a business. Agroecology is relationship.
  • Many people are disconnected from the source of their food and students are not getting sufficient on-the-ground experience and hands-on education.

  • Landowners lack accessible support to respond to environmental and societal pressures.

The Vision

  • We believe our children’s future is embedded in the sustainability of working agroecological lands.
  • We believe we can meet the needs of food production and conservation by bridging the gaps between science, education, and application.

  • We believe that effective collaboration across disciplines, organizations, and jurisdictions is key.

  • We believe that solutions to relieve the burden of cost to working lands owners will open doors to learning, implementation, and change.
  • We believe that through our 501(c)3 non-profit status we can carry out our mission.


Rangelands are the most under-valued, under-protected ecosystems on earth, yet they are the primary places where humans grow food and are threatened by residential and other extractive development. Many landowners lack accessible support to respond to environmental, economic, and societal pressures. On the other side of the fence, much of society, especially children, are disconnected from the source of their food, deepening a lack of understanding for the importance of ecological-based agricultural practices. These combined issues create a negative feedback cycle, which calls for a solution-focused network of landowners and managers, research professionals, organizational and public leaders, and students who are committed to restoring and protecting rangeland agroecological systems and reconnecting people with nature and the source of their food.

The Conundrum

  • Rangelands are the most under-valued, underprotected ecosystems on Earth, yet they are the primary places where humans grow their food.

  • Rangelands are threatened by residential and other extractive development.
  • The current agricultural model is harming our role in the web of nature: agriculture is a business. Agroecology is relationship.
  • Many people are disconnected from the source of their food and students are not getting sufficient on-the-ground experience and hands-on education.

  • Landowners lack accessible support to respond to environmental and societal pressures.

The Vision

  • We believe our children’s future is embedded in the sustainability of working agroecological lands.
  • We believe we can meet the needs of food production and conservation by bridging the gaps between science, education, and application.

  • We believe that effective collaboration across disciplines, organizations, and jurisdictions is key.

  • We believe that solutions to relieve the burden of cost to working lands owners will open doors to learning, implementation, and change.
  • We believe that through our 501(c)3 non-profit status we can carry out our mission.